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  • Writer's pictureEmily Roberts

Success is Relative!

Updated: Jun 1, 2023

Are you constantly comparing your business journey to those of other successful entrepreneurs? Is it discouraging when their successes seem to overshadow yours? Let me tell you a secret: comparing ourselves isn’t the answer, because there's no one size fits all approach. On social media, we are only seeing people’s highlight reel—not the struggles or mistakes that have brought them success. I once heard, “Your road may be longer with more rocks and potholes than another person; however, if you keep going despite these obstacles then that is success in itself…you just need to determine what success looks like for you.” So let's focus on YOUR wins! In this blog post I will go over why comparison can be dangerous and give some tips on how to make sure your goals fit into YOUR plan.

Here are 3 ways comparison can damage your potential success:

Comparison is Competitive.

We often feel that when someone else succeeds, it means that we have failed. This simply isn't true. The success of others has nothing to do with us and everything to do with them. When we understand this, we can stop feeling so much envy and resentment and start celebrating other people's successes.

Comparison is not a roadmap.

When we compare ourselves to others, it can be easy to lose sight of what makes us unique and special. We forget our own ambitions and life goals, and begin to strive for something that may not even be right for us. Remember, you are on your own unique path and there is no one else like you. Embrace your individuality and don't let comparison steal your joy.

Comparison is fear-based.

Do you ever feel like you're not good enough? Like you have to compare yourself to others in order to feel validated? It's time to face the ugly truth about comparison. At the root of it, comparison is fear. Fear that you aren't enough. Fear that you won't make it. Fear that you are not loved. This fear is usually built from an underlying belief and that belief shows its ugly head when you compare yourself or get triggered. Don't let comparison steal your joy!

Here are 3 ways to overcome comparison to focus on your goals and success.

Step Away from the Feed and Be Creative!

It can be so easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing on social media, but it's important to remember that you should be spending your time focusing on what makes you happy. Take some time for yourself and focus on being creative- whether that means exploring your personal style or dreaming about things you want to achieve. Let go of the comparison trap and enjoy creating for the sake of creativity itself.

Who is she and why should I care?

It can be tough to compare yourself to others, especially when their life looks perfect on social media. So much of what we see is curated for the world to see. But who is that person you're comparing yourself to? Learn more about her story, motivations, and why she's important even if she doesn't have 10,000 followers.

Show up as you… authentically!

When it comes to social media, it can be tough to be yourself. You might worry about what others will think or how they'll react. But being authentic is key to maintaining your mental health and wellbeing online.

In conclusion, don't let comparison be a downturn on your journey to success. Think of everyone's life and situation as unique, even their successes are individualized. Instead of measuring our achievements against others', focus on your wins, whatever that may mean for YOU. From making huge decisions about your business to smaller (but equally valid) moments in time - every decision you make is a step closer to achieving YOUR goals. Remember, you can make it against all odds if you stay determined and consistent!

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